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Suite 5A, Level 1, 1-17 Elsie Street

Burwood NSW 2134


(02) 8090 8010

Chalazion Drainage

A chalazion is treated if it affects your sight or its cosmetic impact concerns you. The treatment involves draining the oil that is collected within the lump. 

If you have multiple chalazia it might be useful to take oral antibiotics such as doxycycline for a month to reduce the incidence of further chalazia.

Chalazion drainage is performed in the clinic.  Local anesthetic is given into the eye lid and the chalazion is drained from the inside of the lid.  This ensures that no scar is created by the drainage incision.  There are no stitches. Antibiotic is applied to the eye and the eye is covered with a pad.  You will be asked to apply pressure and ice packs intermittently over the pad to minimize bruising.  Please do not drive while you have one eye covered.  You will asked to remove the pad the following day and commence antibiotic drops three times a day for 5 days.
In a young child
A young child is unlikely to remain still for the procedure.  Therefore young children often require a general anaesthetic.  In older children and in adults this procedure can be done in the clinic under local anaesthesia.
Before surgery:

The hospital will advise on the fasting regime and appropriate time of arrival. The general guidelines are fasting 6 hours prior to surgery as the surgery is under a general anaesthetic. Depending on your child’s agesome clear fluid intake is allowed up to 3 hours before surgery.

On the day of surgery:

Your child’s anaesthetist will review you prior to surgery. The surgery will take about 10 minutes. If the operation involves only 1 eye, a pad maybe placed over the eye after surgery which is best removed the following morning. Once your child has had time to recover from the anaesthetic and tolerated food and fluids, your child will be discharged home.

Post-operative care:

Postoperative drops/ointment will be prescribed. They should be given into the operated area 3 times a day, for a total of 1 week after surgery. The day after the surgery your child’s recovery can be varied, some patients require simple analgesia such as Paracetamol for 1-2 days.

It is normal for the eye to water. There will also be swelling and varied amount of bruising over the area. This will settle over the next few weeks. Your child may be more comfortable wearing sunglasses and or a hat outside. A review in the rooms will be organised 1-2 weeks after surgery.

Dos and Don’ts:
Your child is allowed to read or watch television as much as is comfortable.
Do not go swimming for 2 weeks after surgery.
Do not play in a sandpit for 1 week after surgery.
After a bath/shower pat the face dry.